Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great viral example - Wassup 2008

To me all the elements are there. There's an interest for this video, no brand is apparent and there is also a good punch, not to forget the message reaches the viewer's emotional side. The interest is mostly supported by the fact that the viewers rely on the title and expect another great "wazzzup!" 2minutes like what they have been used to in the past Superbowls. Therefore, you can reach any american with that video because of the apprehension you've renewed. The interest is later on due to the fact that the reality shown in this video, even though it's accentuated, is similar to what americans have been through in the recent years and the subjects they have been debating for the past months in the presidential campaign. Finally the message is engaging and positive.

I wish I were an american for one day, on november 4th.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Val da Vinha - Portugal

Portugal...where road beers also come in "designated drivers" bottle size.

At the tip of Europe, just as you thought you could get away in life with your beginners spanish level, there you'll find another country where you're once again as helpless as a blogger who can't finish this sentence with a funny fact. (I'm no Seinfeld you know!)
The best way to travel is by mixing up with the locals and you'll be glad you went there with someone who has family living in the country, but that could be true for a lot of places in the world.
Sure, you might find yourself digging-up potatoes in a field at 7 in the morning for it, a small price to pay after the wild night at the surrounding village fiestas you've just been through. In the summer, in Portugal, it's all about road tripping with someone's cousin and his friends and aiming at every party around the region, night after night. Always keep in mind where you are, because you wouldn't want to be trashing your own village's fiesta...or you'lll be picking up more than potatoes the next morning. Stick with your friends cousins on this "cheap beer and related girls" hunt. Yeah, keep it real! What better way to impress the ladies than 6 grown men tossed in a small german compact car. Fortunately, you somehow enjoy the ride and that has nothing to do with the fact that you've maintained a high concentration of alcohol in your blood for the past 4 hours...and so has everyone in the car.
Don't worry, it'll take much more than that to defeat your driver. Ours was exceptionnaly good at driving impaired, as much as he was a local legend. Apparently, a women had once turned him down because, well, lets just say he had too much to offer. So is what we understood as his friend was reproducing an helicopter spin move with his forearm(go ahead, try it...), as subtle as one can be while chugging his 5th Sagres. So my friends, myself and elephant man had the best time discovering the small town nightlife of July in Portugal.
The beaches, the football, the porto, what's not to love really?! Lisboa, the capital, is just amazingly sunny and fun to walk through, although the transportation system is very effective as well. If you want to keep your nights busy, go to Coimbra, a huge campus/city. University students being pretty much the same everywhere in the world, you shouldn't feel alone there.

Ta se bem carralio!

Monday, October 6, 2008

D'un hémisphère à l'autre

- Barnak Marcel! (mon hémisphère droit s'appelle probablement Marcel)
C'est quoi ton hobby là!?
- Ben c'est un blogue là, c'est cool non!
- Ah ouais...tu fais ça toi!
- Certain! Ça fait quoi? Tu trouves pas ça cool?
- Ah ouais...t'es ce genre-là toi! (mon hémisphère gauche écoute pas trop la conversation)
- Quel genre? De quoi tu parles?
- Le genre qui se croit assez intéressant pour mettre ses histoires en ligne...t'es une vedette mon Marcel?
- Han! N'importe qui a un blogue de nos jours tu sauras. Ça a pas rapport...
- Ben ouais toi...
- Certain!
- Fak t'as commencé à porter des foulards en été? T'es un artiste maintenant? Bientôt tu vas t'acheter un Mac pis aller flâner au Starbucks?
- Ok, tu capotes un peu! Je mets pas de foulard en été voyons...ça me fait une tête bizarre, on dirait que j'ai pas de cou...pis je vais peut-être avoir un Mac bientôt, mais ça fait quoi? Ya pas de lien là!
- Ben ouais toi!
- Certain!
- Allo, je m'appelle Marcel et je suis un Mac! Regardez, je peux blogger et sipper mon latte crème fouettée en même temps! Tout ça sans manuel d'instruction, straight out of the box!
- Han! Tellement juvénile! Pis je parles trop pas comme ça... (mon hémisphère droit sonne exactement comme ça)
- Oui oui! Venez lire mes histoires originales! Ya des photos format Grande pis des ti dessins que j'ai faits...le tout en Wireless équitable!
- T'es ben con!
- Ouch, va falloir que tu trouves mieux que ça l'artiste. (mon hémisphère gauche mime un gars qui renvoit son foulard autour de son cou)
- Arrive en ville! C'est pas parce que Jean Pagé a pas de blogue qu'ya rien d'intéressant là-dedans! Ouais, je me fous ben du nombre de minutes que Ryder a passé sua glace à soir pis j'en parles pas dans mon blogue! So what! Pis farme donc la télé quand je te parle! (mon hémisphère droit ne sait pas que Ryder n'est plus avec les Canadiens, il devrait écouter 110% avec mon hémisphère gauche plus souvent)
- ...
- Ha! Tu dis rien!
- Ok, ya une pause commerciale. Tu disais quoi mon Marcel? Tu portes pas de foulard?

(mon hémisphère droit quitte la pièce en rageant, il en oublie presque son latté Grande sur la table)

En attendant moi j'ai mal à la tête. À suivre...ou pas, ça dépend de Marcel.