Amsterdam, where apparently pigs can fly.
Exactly how trash is Amsterdam? Sure, you see XXX inscriptions everywhere, the most popular attraction is a prostitute district and there's no way to get that funky smell out of your clothes. Inspite of all that, it turns out that Amsterdam is much more than red lights and suprisingly brutal hangovers. Not to many people seem to know that the XXX symbol was first the code inscripted on boxes shipped overseas from Amsterdam. So it was more of an outbound trademark rather than something you hide under your bed. Holland people are very innovative entrepreneurs. They ruled over the seas around the world by creating the first company ever as Amsterdam once was the most important port in the world. Yes...I took the guided tour.
I also learned that innovation takes many forms, such as a deflector to discourage drunken sailors from going around the bathroom fee.
In a city where most of the red lights mean "go", you ought to be surprised at every corner!
2 persons contributed later on:
hahaha me semblait qu'en lisant, j'étais comme "wow alex, t'a vraiment fait une recherche exhaustive de la place" ...i took the guided tour lol. et il me semble qu'en étant ivre, voir une plaque dans un coin me découragera surement pas d'aller faire le pompier dessus. au contraire... à moins que c'était pour le #2 ce qui fait plus de sens. en passant est-ce que tu sais qui sont le client et l'agence? (j'ai fait mes réserves de post-it au bureau)
lol, aucun détail à date...
en passant, la plaque te renvoit tout sur ton pantalon apparemment, c'est pas cool. Mais la guide disait que les gens pissaient à côté, genre dans la fenêtre à droite.
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